Friday, April 6, 2007

Not so icky wikiness

I've had some mild experiences with a wiki in a prior college class but I've never really checked out others' wikis besides the well-known and widely used Wikipedia (how's that for "w" alliteration?). After checking out the various library wikis, I found the St. Joseph County Public Library staff wiki the most interesting in terms of library use. It seemed like this was a site in which staff could easily update pertinent information for patrons to see without having to worry about patrons interfering with the site. Another wiki I found useful was the Book Lovers wiki for Princeton Public Library. At this site, patrons had to register themselves in order to add reviews or make changes. A wiki like this for KCLS users would be really great so that users could recommend things to each other. It would be really wonderful if patrons with different language backgrounds put reviews on a KCLS wiki in multiple languages. Other wikifun for KCLS could include reviews of certain classes or events that KCLS has done in the past.

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